FPM quiz question on permutations

Here is another question and (partial) answer from my FPM Piazza forum last autumn, this time related to the "challenge question" from my First quiz on permutations.

First, here is a screenshot of the relevant quiz question. (You can click on the image to view it full size.)


Challenge question from first FPM quiz on permutations

Student's question: Why in this question does \(12\) being divisible by \(3\) and \(4\) mean that \(\rho^{12}\) is the identity permutation?

[Joel notes: The identity permutation on a set is that very special permutation which doesn't move anything. So it is the map defined on your set by the rule \(x \mapsto x\).]

My response: I think some of you may still want to think about this, so I don't want to give the whole thing away at once. But I'll give you some things to think about.

Have a look at \(\rho = (1\,7\,2) (3\,6\,5\,4)\), and notice that this is a product of disjoint cycles, and disjoint cycles commute. Because of this,
     \(\rho^2=(1\,7\,2) (3\,6\,5\,4)(1 \,7\, 2)(3\, 6 \,5 \,4) = (1 \,7 \,2)^2 (3\, 6 \,5\, 4)^2\)
and then an easy induction shows that, for all natural numbers \(n\),
     \(\rho^n=(1 \,7\, 2)^n (3 \,6 \,5 \,4)^n\,.\)
Actually, I never defined \(\rho^1\), but you will be unsurprised to know that this is just defined to be \(\rho\). (Also, \(\rho^0\) is, by convention, the identity permutation.)
So your task now is to think about the permutations \((1 \,7\, 2)^n\) and \((3 \,6\, 5 \,4)^n\).
For which \(n\) is \((1 \,7\, 2)^n\) equal to the identity permutation?
For which \(n\) is \((3\, 6\, 5\, 4)^n\) equal to the identity permutation?
Best wishes,
Dr Feinstein


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