Squares modulo 7 and 10

This post was first published on WordPress at

Here is yet another post from my Foundations of Pure Mathematics Piazza blog from Autumn 2020.

This time I was asked about squares modulo \(7\) and \(10\), along with a query about what a square modulo is. I think this confusion over what is being defined is because, in my definition of what it means for an integer \(m\) to be a square modulo \(k\), the maths doesn't come out in bold.

My response

It isn't really ("square modulo") \(k\) it is more like "square (modulo \(k\))".
In fact, some authors define a function of \(n\) and \(k\) written
   \(n\) mod \(k\)
to mean the remainder (using the division algorithm) when you divide \(n\) by \(k\). (Try typing 19 mod 3 into Google! Also try -19 mod 3.) With this notation:

  • \(8\) mod \(3 = 2\), because the division algorithm gives \(8=2\times 3 + 2\); 
  • \(11\) mod \(4=3\), because the division algorithm gives \(11=2 \times 4 + 3\);
  • \(-7\) mod \(5=3\), because the division algorithm gives \(-7 = (-2) \times 5 + 3\).

Remember, the remainder must always be non-negative and strictly less than \(k\).
So \(n\) mod \(k\) is always an element of \(\{0,1,...,k-1\}\).

When looking at squares modulo \(k\) (or mod \(k\)) for some particular value of \(k\), we are really asking:
"What are the possible remainders when you divide \(n^2\) by \(k\), as \(n\) varies through \(\mathbb{Z}\)."
With the notation above , that means we are essentially asking which of the integers \(0,1,\dots,{k-1}\) are in the set \(\{n^2\,\textrm{mod}\,k\mid n \in \mathbb{Z}\}.\)
[This last is the set of all possible remainders when you divide squares of integers by \(k\).]

A few more things to note about this \(n\,\textrm{mod}\,k\) function. Let \(m,n,r \in \mathbb{Z}\) and let \(k \in \mathbb{N}\). Then:

  • \(r\,\textrm{mod}\,k = r \Leftrightarrow r \in \{0,1,\dots,{k-1}\}\);
  • \((n\,\textrm{mod}\,k)\,\textrm{mod}\,k = (n \,\textrm{mod}\,k)\);
  • \(m \equiv n~~(\textrm{mod}\ k) \Leftrightarrow (m \,\textrm{mod}\, k) = (n \,\textrm{mod}\,k)\).

The last of these says that \(m\) is congruent to \(n\) modulo \(k\) if and only if \(m\) and \(n\) leave the same remainder when divided by \(k\) using the division algorithm.
[I have included more brackets than necessary here to try to eliminate any ambiguity!]

Returning to your questions: we had some previous discussion of this material in earlier posts, so what I say next will be fairly similar.

  • First, remember that if \(m \equiv n\) (mod \(k\)) then \(m^2 \equiv n^2\) (mod \(k\)). This is why we really only need to check \(0^2,1^2, 2^2,\dots,(k-1)^2\) mod \(k\). All other squares will just repeat the same remainders we found here.
  • Also, because we are squaring, we can use the fact that, for all integers \(n\), we have
          \(n^2 = (-n)^2 \equiv (k-n)^2\) (mod \(k\)).
    So \(1^2 \equiv (k-1)^2\) (mod \(k\)), \(2^2 \equiv (k-2)^2\) (mod \(k\)), etc., and this leads to more repeats and further short cuts.

Now let's look at the usual tables of squares, checking more squares than necessary. We'll look at squares modulo \(7\) and modulo \(10\), using the \(n\) mod \(k\) function discussed above, except looking at \(n^2\) mod \(7\) and \(n^2\) mod \(10\).

\(n\) \(-2\) \(-1\) \(0\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\) \(7\) \(8\) \(9\) \(10\)
\(n^2\) \(4\) \(1\) \(0\) \(1\) \(4\) \(9\) \(16\) \(25\) \(36\) \(49\) \(64\) \(81\) \(100\)
\(n^2\) mod \(7\) \(4\) \(1\) \(0\) \(1\) \(4\) \(2\) \(2\) \(4\) \(1\) \(0\) \(1\) \(4\) \(2\)
\(n^2\) mod \(10\) \(4\) \(1\) \(0\) \(1\) \(4\) \(9\) \(6\) \(5\) \(6\) \(9\) \(4\) \(1\) \(0\)

Note that \(n^2\) mod \(10\) is just the last decimal digit of \(n^2\). This is because \(n^2\) is non-negative. (Negative integers are different. For example \((-2)\) mod \(10\) = \(8\).)

We see the usual repeating patterns. We also see that we only needed to check \(0^2,1^2,2^2,3^2\) mod \(7\) (the rest are repeats) and we only needed to check \(0^2,1^2,2^2,3^2,4^2,5^2\) mod \(10\) (the rest are repeats).
[We discussed the reasons for these repeats above and in the earlier posts.]

The conclusion?
The squares modulo \(7\) are \(0\), \(1\), \(2\) and \(4\), and not \(3\), \(5\) or \(6\).
[If asked, though, I would say that, e.g., \(23\) is a square modulo \(7\), because, modulo \(7\) we don't really distinguish between \(23\) and \(2\). This fits with the terminology used in the law of quadratic reciprocity mentioned in an earlier post.]
Similarly, the squares modulo \(10\) are \(0\), \(1\), \(4\), \(5\), \(6\) and \(9\) and not \(2\), \(3\), \(7\) or \(8\). This is better known as the fact that if you square an integer, the last decimal digit can only be \(0\), \(1\), \(4\), \(5\), \(6\) or \(9\).
[Note in the above that the usage of and and or in English and/or in maths can be a tricky issue!]

I hope that this helps!
Best wishes,
Dr Feinstein


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